Hati orangtua mana yang tidak miris jika setiap kali butuh sesuatu, si anak akan memanggil mbak atau baby sister yang menjaganya dirumah.
Kedekatan pengasuh dengan anak umumnya terbentuk lantaran besarnya tuntutan hidup di kalangan masyarakat urban yang memaksa si ibu membantu ayah mencari uan dengan bekerja di luar rumah. Terpaksa anak tinggal di rumah bersama pengasuh.
Jika ada ibu atau mertua yang ikut mengawasi masih beruntung. Namun bila mereka tinggal jauh dari rumah kita, agar anak terdidik dengan baik dan tetap merasa dekat dengan kedua orangtuanya, maka orang tua harus tetap mengawasi dan bertanggung jawab atas pendidikan anak. Untuk itu , gara kedekatan dengan anak bisa terwujud, banyak hal yang dilakukan oleh orangtua, diantaranya :
1. Biasakan menelpon anak di rumah pada jam istirahat kantor. hanya sekedar menanyakan kabar dan mendengarkan ceritanya mengenai kegiatan yang ia lalui selama orangtua pergi. Berilah perhatian dengan menanyakan hal - hal kecil, seperti sudah makan belum, seperti apa makanan yang dimakan, mainan apa yang dimainkan dan hal - hal lainnya yang merasa anak diperhatikan.
2. Saat pulang bekerja atau di akhir minggu, luangkan waktu bersenda gurau dan bermain bersama anak atau sekedar membacakan dogeng sebelum tidur. Ini bisa membuat hangat keakraban anda dengan si kecil serta memberikan rasa nyaman di hati putra putri anda.
3. Posisikan anda sebagai temannya. Dengan begitu anak tidak merasa sungkan untuk berbagi dan curhat mengenai segaa permasalahan yang mereka miliki. (jangan dikira anak- anak tidak punya masalah lho). Jika anak sedang curhat, jadilah pendengar yang baik dan penuh perhatian, karena dengan begitu anak akan merasa dekat dan dihargai oleh anda.
4. Berikan penghargaan atas semua perbuatan baik yang dilakukan anak, walaupun hanya sekedar pujian, senyuman dan tepukan tangan. Deangan begitu, anak belajar untuk menghargai dirinya sendiri dan akan berusaha keras untuk jadi yang terbaik demi menyenangkan hati kedua orangtuanya.
5. Bila dirasa perlu, pemberian hukuman juga perlu diterapkan jika anak melakukan perbuatan yang tidak terpuji. Tidak perlu memarahinya, cukup dengan menunjukkan rasa tidak senang, anak pun bisa mengerti bahwa perbuatannya tidak disukai oleh orangtuanya.
Itulah diantara tips yang bisa membantu kedekatan anda dengan putra putri anda. Sudahkah anda melakukannya?...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Avoid Inappropriate While Drinking Tea
Drinking tea is very delicious, especially if presented in the morning as breakfast friends. In order for a substance contained in the tea beneficial to the body as well, we need to know how a good time drinking tea, among others:
1. Do not drink tea during or after meals because they contained substances in food can be stolen by the substance stimulant tea.
2. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach because it can increase stomach acid production.
3. Avoid drinking tea laced with sugar because it causes the substances they contain to be reduced.
4. Do not drink tea all night because it had a lot of substances are oxidized and stale so the impact is not good for the body.
5. Avoid drinking tea during pregnancy and lactation. Because caffeine and stimulant substances in tea can stimulate uterine contractions. In addition to nursing mothers would disrupt production of milk-producing glands or breastfeeding mothers.
1. Do not drink tea during or after meals because they contained substances in food can be stolen by the substance stimulant tea.
2. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach because it can increase stomach acid production.
3. Avoid drinking tea laced with sugar because it causes the substances they contain to be reduced.
4. Do not drink tea all night because it had a lot of substances are oxidized and stale so the impact is not good for the body.
5. Avoid drinking tea during pregnancy and lactation. Because caffeine and stimulant substances in tea can stimulate uterine contractions. In addition to nursing mothers would disrupt production of milk-producing glands or breastfeeding mothers.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Women Among the Child, Household & Employment
The role of a woman in modern times, not only as wives and housewives only. Economic demands and a desire to show the existence itself often puts women as workers. Of course, not easy to balance the three roles.
In the book The Secret Life of Super Mom, title Super Mom Kathy Buck worth give to mothers who work outside the home is complete with designer suits. That is, they perform double duty.
"But remember before, work to raise children is not lost for 8 (eight) or 10 (ten) hours when Super Mom was in office. But the one job that is really missing is keeping the child," said Kathy.
Means, mothers must also be prepared to have feelings of guilt because he could not accompany the children. At the time of any vacation, is sometimes difficult to relax because the colored mothers feeling depressed. Though you can not forever rely on maids, mother-in-law, or your own mother to guard the little guy.
The challenge to become a mother with multiple roles is quite large. Over time, you may feel money is no longer an issue. Eventually the desire to watch them grow and play in the course will be stronger. However, when you will decide to stay home and quit her career, the decision to stop a second income was always a very important thing.
One way that can be taken is to think and make you and your family live better qualified for the present and the future. Indeed, even now you could be categorized as a Super Mom with a multitude of activities.
Remember not to get too obsessed to have ideal body weight, the perfect home, children are always neat, and well behaved. Believe me it will be difficult. Should take pride in everything you do and reflect on your achievements one by one in the hearts of every day.
Practical tips to get around
Do not worry about things that are not helpful and the little things that make you lose sleep. There are still quite a lot of great things that need to worry about the life of a Super Mom.
Sacrifice quality for quantity. Super Mom sacrifice time for themselves. Such as eating food at the dinner table together despite the still chaotic state of the table and deliver your child to school even when wearing torn jeans.
Do it now! Buy a gift for your sister's birthday which falls on this month, since June. Cook dinner two hours earlier. Never even the slightest delay the work because of stress at the last minute to make matters worse.
Do not complain, do it! If you find yourself complaining more than once because they do not have time to do a job, calculate the time you spend complaining and use that time to finish the job.
Do not hesitate to delegate household tasks, just as you delegate in the office. Believe me, there will be money to be saved.
Let the phone ring. How many times the phone rings when you're eating tonight? While I was doing an important conversation? When your child with homework? So, just let it ring.
Make Saturdays and Sundays as a time to relax. Leisure time is invaluable to relieve stress and resolve all matters.
Free yourself of small tasks. Ask yourself, is there a task that if I did not finish today, will bother me the next day. If there is, to settle.
Republika newspaper
In the book The Secret Life of Super Mom, title Super Mom Kathy Buck worth give to mothers who work outside the home is complete with designer suits. That is, they perform double duty.
"But remember before, work to raise children is not lost for 8 (eight) or 10 (ten) hours when Super Mom was in office. But the one job that is really missing is keeping the child," said Kathy.
Means, mothers must also be prepared to have feelings of guilt because he could not accompany the children. At the time of any vacation, is sometimes difficult to relax because the colored mothers feeling depressed. Though you can not forever rely on maids, mother-in-law, or your own mother to guard the little guy.
The challenge to become a mother with multiple roles is quite large. Over time, you may feel money is no longer an issue. Eventually the desire to watch them grow and play in the course will be stronger. However, when you will decide to stay home and quit her career, the decision to stop a second income was always a very important thing.
One way that can be taken is to think and make you and your family live better qualified for the present and the future. Indeed, even now you could be categorized as a Super Mom with a multitude of activities.
Remember not to get too obsessed to have ideal body weight, the perfect home, children are always neat, and well behaved. Believe me it will be difficult. Should take pride in everything you do and reflect on your achievements one by one in the hearts of every day.
Practical tips to get around
Do not worry about things that are not helpful and the little things that make you lose sleep. There are still quite a lot of great things that need to worry about the life of a Super Mom.
Sacrifice quality for quantity. Super Mom sacrifice time for themselves. Such as eating food at the dinner table together despite the still chaotic state of the table and deliver your child to school even when wearing torn jeans.
Do it now! Buy a gift for your sister's birthday which falls on this month, since June. Cook dinner two hours earlier. Never even the slightest delay the work because of stress at the last minute to make matters worse.
Do not complain, do it! If you find yourself complaining more than once because they do not have time to do a job, calculate the time you spend complaining and use that time to finish the job.
Do not hesitate to delegate household tasks, just as you delegate in the office. Believe me, there will be money to be saved.
Let the phone ring. How many times the phone rings when you're eating tonight? While I was doing an important conversation? When your child with homework? So, just let it ring.
Make Saturdays and Sundays as a time to relax. Leisure time is invaluable to relieve stress and resolve all matters.
Free yourself of small tasks. Ask yourself, is there a task that if I did not finish today, will bother me the next day. If there is, to settle.
Republika newspaper
Hair care for Veiling
Muslim women may be tormented by the weather conditions are hot and humid. These conditions, which of course makes the hair more easily covered with a veil to sweat. If it were so, care is absolutely necessary.
The question arises, whether the treatment of Muslim women will drain the wallet? Should the salon to get healthy hair?. The answer, of course not. For those of you Muslim women not to worry, as a general trend, hair treatments can be done at home.
Use a moisturizing hair (conditioner) after the wash. Please note the use of conditioner do not do it every day because it will result in easier hair limp. Because when the scalp in a closed condition without the air then it could lead to damaged hair.
If possible, use a vitamin, cream bath or a hair tonic at least 2 weeks in order to maintain the quality of hair. This can be done alone or go to the salon.
Keep in mind, after doing the hair care, never to condition your hair wet. Because if wet, the hair would be humid air entering remember little. Use a hair dryer (Hair Dryer) or fans to help dry.
Although veiled does not mean unkempt hair. Islam teaches us to always keep everything that has been entrusted to every Muslim, of course including the crown hair. The trick is not too hard, was it?
The question arises, whether the treatment of Muslim women will drain the wallet? Should the salon to get healthy hair?. The answer, of course not. For those of you Muslim women not to worry, as a general trend, hair treatments can be done at home.
Use a moisturizing hair (conditioner) after the wash. Please note the use of conditioner do not do it every day because it will result in easier hair limp. Because when the scalp in a closed condition without the air then it could lead to damaged hair.
If possible, use a vitamin, cream bath or a hair tonic at least 2 weeks in order to maintain the quality of hair. This can be done alone or go to the salon.
Keep in mind, after doing the hair care, never to condition your hair wet. Because if wet, the hair would be humid air entering remember little. Use a hair dryer (Hair Dryer) or fans to help dry.
Although veiled does not mean unkempt hair. Islam teaches us to always keep everything that has been entrusted to every Muslim, of course including the crown hair. The trick is not too hard, was it?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Career Women Need Network
A growing number of women choosing a career, compared to just being a homemaker. Not just skills to work, it takes the ability to build relationships or networks in order to have successful careers.
One advantage of females is relatively sociable attitude. That does not mean you have to be flirtatious. If you can measure exactly, it is very supportive of you have an advantage over male workers. Here are some things you should consider to build the network.
Build relationships and networks when you start today. You will be more appreciated by others, as have the status clear career. For careers in specific fields, such as the mass media the opportunity to meet lots of people so the possibility of establishing relationships are higher than office workers.
You can begin to build relationships and networks through various media. From friend to friend, came to the gatherings, workshops, seminars, workshops, training, through mailing lists, and others. Alumni associations can also be a target you build a solid network.
Many options group relationships and networks that could be your target. Starting from the professional groups, business, economy class, by region, level of management, and others.
If you want more targeted, specify your choice and orientation in building relationships and networking. Prepare yourself with an attractive appearance, communication skills, and insight are adequate.
Remember, other people will judge how you are. Try to listen, avoid to always dominate the conversation. What is needed is to introduce yourself to proportionately and get information or whatever it takes opportunity.
Information and opportunities are you waiting can come from anyone. So no need to be too intensive with one person that makes you interested.
Try to always be honest, because honestly you've tried to avoid unnecessary problems. Honesty will also make you feel calm and comfortable so they can make more confident.
Tip a Potential Employee in Office

There is never a wrong dictionary in developing your own potential because they are a capital that will increase your selling power at a later date. It's certainly beneficial to the terms of a career that you are living.
Indeed, sometimes glancing at the office no potential and loyalty that we have already pointed out. But trust me, maximize yourself with a variety of knowledge never hurts.
Even if your office does not currently provide compensation according to the loyalty you've given, surely many offers out there that are better waiting for you.
Well, so you can achieve personal excellence in the office, here are some tips that can be done, as written by the Times of India.
1. Believe in yourselfIf you do not believe in yourself how can you expect others to believe in you?
2. Hone your skills continue to
To excel, you do need constant upgrading and skills development. Therefore, continued to hone various skills to add value to your sale.
3. Exit the comfort zone driLeaving the comfort zone is very difficult. However, if you move from your comfort zone, although only slightly, you will be acquiring a lot of new experiences for a chance to get the things you've never experienced before. The opportunity will certainly make your experience more colorful.
4. Be the best
Remove yourself from people who do not support you and contribute negatively to you personally. Instead, friends with peers who gave a positive value for you to always encouraged to be the best.
5. Setting goals at the highest
To achieve success, plug it in a purpose beyond the normal limits or standards in general purpose, where you can definitely achieve it. Establish goals as high as possible, but still be realistic so with passion, hard work and effort, you can reach it.
Career in Telecommunication World
For those of us who have a high motivation for working in the telecommunications world, and has spent time college to learn what it is Erlang A, Erlang B or GSM logical channel. Apparently there are many areas and loopholes in the telecommunications world that we can enter, either simply to deepen knowledge, gain experience, add up to future savings
1. Operator, This is a dream many young engineers, workplace becomes dream many scholars from both campuses domestic telecom-known to least known (hopefully this statement is not wrong CMIIW). Here the employee acts as the operator of telecommunications networks for customers directly.Engineer working in here a duty to maintain network availability, so customers can use the network to communicate voice and data with ease. But in addition to the primary task, there are a lot of knowledge to be gained, of course, because it acts as the owner of telecommunications equipment, engineers here have the opportunity to study the devices used (this does not apply to all positions, especially for engineers). Sometimes, engineers must be able to also perform the installation of telecommunication own devices, if an urgent situation and not allowed to use the services of a third party (read vendors), then the engineer must be able to install it's own telecommunications equipment. No less challenging is the work of troubleshooting. This work is a tricky job, because if problems are not met are also the solution, then it is not possible we will find it frustrating to search for common problems.
2. Vendor, It's not impossible to become the first choice for fresh graduates as well, because the company's telecom vendors such as Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, Huawei, ZTE, etc , knowledge and experience on offer is not a bit. It is no secret that in these companies, telecommunications science we can get very much. In this company we can learn the installation of devices, network optimization, to troubleshooting device that is installed. Probably not much different with a glance at your work huh? But remember, that the vendor can only learn one product alone.
3. Contractor, Can not enter into an employee of gold above two options? Do not worry, there are still places to work. Contractor is a company that worked on the project that won the tender by a vendor. Some of the areas normally done for example for the installation of base stations, installation of Micro Wave (radio transmission), Test Drive for network optimization, installation of new Base Transmission Service (BTS) towers, etc. Relatively large-scale contractors, typically include a project with a great value, so it is not rare for a contractor hired back some of sub-contractors to work on projects that they win the tender.
4. Sub-Contractors, A company is a sub-contractor under the contractor who worked on the project to contractors. Therefore, the scale of the work performed relatively smaller. Science that we get here may not be as much as in telecom vendors, but we can learn to very detailed, the work we wrestled. This is because the scope of the work we're in relatively narrow so that we are repeated every time we do it.
5. Supplier, Being a supplier of a general nature, but the telecommunications company though, requires a competent and qualified suppliers to supply goods and services to support the company's survival.
6. Outsource, A telecommunications company both vendors and operators would need to outsource labor to help with the work of an administrative nature to the technical. For example, an admin, this energy is needed to help the company's operations and continuity of work. Technical assistance personnel are also needed to help operations engineer in a telecom operator in the work of network troubleshooting, to maintenance and installation of telecommunications equipment.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Success Making Cookies
Although very simple to make, but you still must follow the instructions below to make sure if the cookies you make are the best cookies ever. Here are ways how:
1. Measuring flour correctly
2. Do not increase the amount of margarine
3. Chill the dough before baking
4. Use a Silicone Rolling Pin
5. Use Oven Thermometer
6. Beat the dough until smooth
7. Make Dough at once
8. Use quality materials
9. Note the baking time
10. Grease a pan with margarine
1. Measuring flour correctly
2. Do not increase the amount of margarine
3. Chill the dough before baking
4. Use a Silicone Rolling Pin
5. Use Oven Thermometer
6. Beat the dough until smooth
7. Make Dough at once
8. Use quality materials
9. Note the baking time
10. Grease a pan with margarine
Birth Signs

Perhaps not a few mothers who do not know any signs of labor, especially for first-time mothers who are pregnant. Well, here are a few of them:
1. A pain in the groin
Mom will feel the pain in the groin because there is pressure as a result of fetal head position is down, into the framework of the pelvic bone. Because fetal bladder pressure, pregnant women become frequent urination. Mother also felt a pain in the stomach, heartburn, frequent stools and flatulence.
2. Pain in the pelvis and spine
Mom will feel excessive pain in the pelvis and the spine. The pain is caused by the shifts and movements which began to suppress fetal spine.
3. Exit thick mucus mixed with blood
Starting out a little thick sticky mucus. This mucus can be mixed with blood when the cervix in the process of opening. Mothers should immediately go to the hospital with equipment that has been prepared to stay.
4. Membranes ruptured
Appears amniotic fluid from the vagina, can be wet in the pants seepage or oozing up into the mother's feet. Immediately to the hospital to get help.
5. Uterus contraction
Mothers will experience successive uterine contractions for 5 minutes and not lost in 1 hour. Distinguish from false contractions that usually comes suddenly vanished.
6. Uterus open
Labor is marked by the opening of the uterus, ranging from 1 to 10 openings. This opening phase is medically defined how many cm in size of the opening in the cervix. Aperture 1, which means the cervix has opened 1 cm while the perfect opening marked by the open mouth of the uterus about 10 cm so it can be bypassed by the baby's head.
Source: Nakita and my experience
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Five Types of Food for Your Hair Beauty
Effects of sunlight, chlorine and droughts because of the dry season will be very dangerous for the beauty of your hair. They can make the hair more dull and brittle than usual. In addition to environmental influences, diet that you do have a great impact on kesehata hair.
Dietitian and author of "Nutrition at Your Fingertips" Elisa Zied help us to choose what food I am useful to restore your hair to a beautiful sheen are like normal.
1. SoybeanApart from being an alternative meat intake, food products containing soy protein and are equipped with Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating soy and tofu will mengingkatkan hair sheen that comes from omega-3 and keratin, a protein which is an element in the hair.
2. KaleLet the vegetables are eaten raw and get all the nutrients, but even if you want to cook or menumisnya, kale can still give a lot of vitamin A and iron. Zied says, vitamin A can help restore dry hair and maintaining healthy teeth, bones and body tissues such as skin. Iron also has the same benefits for the body and also help grow hair.
3. OysterAlthough without pearls, sea creatures are able to enhance the beauty. Zied says oysters contain amounts of Omega-3 is sufficient to enhance the sheen of hair, and vitamin B12 have been shown to reduce hair loss.
4. Low-fat productsMilk, yogurt, and low-fat cheese has lots of protein and vitamin B12. According to Zied, it is very useful to strengthen the hair.
5. SaladComplete your green salad with ingredients that contain lots of vitamin A such as lettuce, carrots, red peppers, broccoli. Zied specifically advise you to choose the materials to make hair soft and dense, but also useful for diet your body.
Source Yahoo
Dietitian and author of "Nutrition at Your Fingertips" Elisa Zied help us to choose what food I am useful to restore your hair to a beautiful sheen are like normal.
1. SoybeanApart from being an alternative meat intake, food products containing soy protein and are equipped with Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating soy and tofu will mengingkatkan hair sheen that comes from omega-3 and keratin, a protein which is an element in the hair.
2. KaleLet the vegetables are eaten raw and get all the nutrients, but even if you want to cook or menumisnya, kale can still give a lot of vitamin A and iron. Zied says, vitamin A can help restore dry hair and maintaining healthy teeth, bones and body tissues such as skin. Iron also has the same benefits for the body and also help grow hair.
3. OysterAlthough without pearls, sea creatures are able to enhance the beauty. Zied says oysters contain amounts of Omega-3 is sufficient to enhance the sheen of hair, and vitamin B12 have been shown to reduce hair loss.
4. Low-fat productsMilk, yogurt, and low-fat cheese has lots of protein and vitamin B12. According to Zied, it is very useful to strengthen the hair.
5. SaladComplete your green salad with ingredients that contain lots of vitamin A such as lettuce, carrots, red peppers, broccoli. Zied specifically advise you to choose the materials to make hair soft and dense, but also useful for diet your body.
Source Yahoo
Six Foods Important for Brighter Skin Color
Useless to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a skin-lightening products if they do not perform maintenance from the inside. With good nutrition, healthy skin and so it automatically looks brighter. Any foods that must be consumed so that the skin is no longer dark and dull?
1. OrangeAll types of citrus fruits, including grapefruit, is a source of vitamin C that has many benefits for the skin. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen and elastin in our bodies, which serves to reduce wrinkles and prevent aging skin. He is also believed to slow the production of melanin, the pigment that makes skin appear darker. Try to consume fresh orange once a day. In addition to citrus, tomatoes are also a fruit rich in vitamin C.
2. Red and green vegetablesSpinach, carrots, broccoli, and his friends contain more beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant for the skin. In addition to preventing damage to cells, beta-carotene will be converted by the body into vitamin A which is useful to combat acne, produces new skin cells and make skin tones look brighter and younger. It would be better if we get vitamin A directly from food rather than vitamin supplements, since excess vitamin A can actually interfere with our health.
3. FishThese water creatures are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are the main recipe for a bright brilliant skin. Additionally, consume sardines, tuna, or salmon are rich in protein can help protect skin from sun exposure and pollution. The protein contained in it helps the reproductive cells and make skin look radiant.
4. AvocadoAvocados are a source of vitamin E. It is useful to retard aging and cleanse the skin of any blemishes such as acne scars, dark spots, and other problems. Eating avocados regularly will also prevent the skin to sag with age.
5. WheatCan be obtained in the form of cereals and breads, wheat contains biotin which helps the body process fat cells. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin and look dull.
6. Olive oilThe healthiest food for the skin? Fruit salad and vegetables sprinkled with olive oil for seasoning. These oils contain essential fatty acids to make skin look brighter, glowing and healthy.
Source My Beauty
1. OrangeAll types of citrus fruits, including grapefruit, is a source of vitamin C that has many benefits for the skin. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen and elastin in our bodies, which serves to reduce wrinkles and prevent aging skin. He is also believed to slow the production of melanin, the pigment that makes skin appear darker. Try to consume fresh orange once a day. In addition to citrus, tomatoes are also a fruit rich in vitamin C.
2. Red and green vegetablesSpinach, carrots, broccoli, and his friends contain more beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant for the skin. In addition to preventing damage to cells, beta-carotene will be converted by the body into vitamin A which is useful to combat acne, produces new skin cells and make skin tones look brighter and younger. It would be better if we get vitamin A directly from food rather than vitamin supplements, since excess vitamin A can actually interfere with our health.
3. FishThese water creatures are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are the main recipe for a bright brilliant skin. Additionally, consume sardines, tuna, or salmon are rich in protein can help protect skin from sun exposure and pollution. The protein contained in it helps the reproductive cells and make skin look radiant.
4. AvocadoAvocados are a source of vitamin E. It is useful to retard aging and cleanse the skin of any blemishes such as acne scars, dark spots, and other problems. Eating avocados regularly will also prevent the skin to sag with age.
5. WheatCan be obtained in the form of cereals and breads, wheat contains biotin which helps the body process fat cells. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin and look dull.
6. Olive oilThe healthiest food for the skin? Fruit salad and vegetables sprinkled with olive oil for seasoning. These oils contain essential fatty acids to make skin look brighter, glowing and healthy.
Source My Beauty
Friday, August 26, 2011
Benefits of Honey
Honey is the intake that can be consumed by children to adults including the fetus was still inside his mother's womb.
The following are the benefits of honey:
1. Fetus: The fetus is still in the womb is not the same in every person, there is strong there is a weak, to help strengthen the fetus in the womb one of them is to eat honey.
2. Pregnant Woman: Honey helps maintain stamina and infant health during pregnancy, and helping high nutrient intake for the healthy growth of the fetus during pregnancy.
3. Babies: Helping baby's brain development, because every day the brain continues to develop until the age of 5 years. For that he needed a high nutrition. Growth and brain development is strongly associated with the intelligence of the mind (IQ) and mental intelligence (EQ). It can be seen today a variety of additional food products either milk or formulated infant porridge with honey as Dancow, Frisian Flag, Sustagen, etc. For that why do not we just give to our baby the best, namely honey.
4. Children: helping to increased appetite (the elements of a complete vitamin B in honey), so that children grow up healthy, lively and carefree and disease resistant.
5. Teens: Usefulness of honey on baligh puberty teens grow very fast, good nutrition and regular will make the growth of the body to be perfect.
6. Adults: stress is a condition experienced by many hardworking result of hard work and lack of nutritious food intake, which in turn can cause various diseases such as thypus, strep and other bacterial infections. Honey is the best solution for hard workers.
7. Seniors: for we are already at the age of information, we realize that our body organs are not as young. So it is very important in helping the stability or the condition of our body is to eat honey
The following are the benefits of honey:
1. Fetus: The fetus is still in the womb is not the same in every person, there is strong there is a weak, to help strengthen the fetus in the womb one of them is to eat honey.
2. Pregnant Woman: Honey helps maintain stamina and infant health during pregnancy, and helping high nutrient intake for the healthy growth of the fetus during pregnancy.
3. Babies: Helping baby's brain development, because every day the brain continues to develop until the age of 5 years. For that he needed a high nutrition. Growth and brain development is strongly associated with the intelligence of the mind (IQ) and mental intelligence (EQ). It can be seen today a variety of additional food products either milk or formulated infant porridge with honey as Dancow, Frisian Flag, Sustagen, etc. For that why do not we just give to our baby the best, namely honey.
4. Children: helping to increased appetite (the elements of a complete vitamin B in honey), so that children grow up healthy, lively and carefree and disease resistant.
5. Teens: Usefulness of honey on baligh puberty teens grow very fast, good nutrition and regular will make the growth of the body to be perfect.
6. Adults: stress is a condition experienced by many hardworking result of hard work and lack of nutritious food intake, which in turn can cause various diseases such as thypus, strep and other bacterial infections. Honey is the best solution for hard workers.
7. Seniors: for we are already at the age of information, we realize that our body organs are not as young. So it is very important in helping the stability or the condition of our body is to eat honey
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Thousand Breastfeeding Benefits for Mother and Baby
Milk (ASI) is the first natural foods and the best are highly recommended for infants until the age of two years, with the composition and nutrient content of the most suitable for growth and durability of the baby's body then breastfeeding infants during the first six months of exclusively without the addition of other foods is the only way to protect the baby.The benefits of breastfeeding for infants
Some of the benefits of breastfeeding for infants:
Colostrum (first milk on the first day) contains antibodies that protect babies against disease and infection.
Infants who were breastfed less often sick. ASI primarily to reduce risk:
vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, chronic constipation, colic and other stomach disorders.
acute appendicitis, rheumatoid arthritis, inguinal hernia, pyloric stenosis, type I diabetes, allergies, asthma and eczema.
ear infections, respiratory diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney infections, septicemia (blood poisoning).
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Statistics show that for every 87 deaths from SIDS, only 3 in breast-fed babies.
meningitis, botulism, childhood lymphoma and Crohn's disease.
tooth decay (cavities).
heart disease later in life.
Breastfeeding causes the child to have a better antibody response to the vaccine.
ASI has the composition and the most appropriate amount of nutrition for infants. The composition of milk varies according to individual growth and change baby's nutritional needs.
Breastmilk is easily digested and always have the right temperature.
Milk is always sterile, do not have germs. There are elements in breast milk that destroys E coli, salmonella, shigella, streptococcus, pneumococcus, and many others.
Breastfeeding stimulates the development of the jaw and facial structure, the upright growth of teeth and improve eyesight.
Breastfeeding develops a higher IQ and improve the development of infant brain and nervous system. IQ gains as a result of breastfeeding is 10-12 points. Breastfeeding is known as the 4th trimester in brain growth and development. There are certain proteins in milk that stimulate baby's brain development.
Breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mother and child. Have a place where children feel safe. Breastfeeding also plays an important role in emotional and spiritual development of children.
The benefits of breastfeeding for mothers
Besides good for babies, breastfeeding is also beneficial for mothers. Nursing process provides the following beneficial effects for the mother:
Reducing the risk of breast cancer. Women who breastfeed reduce risk of breast cancer by 25 percent. Cancer risk reduction occurs is proportional to cumulative lifetime duration of breastfeeding. That is, the more months or years of nursing mothers, the lower the risk of breast cancer.
Reducing the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer. Lower estrogen levels during breastfeeding causes both cancer risk was decreased. Anticipated decline in estrogen leads to reduced stimulation of the lining of the uterus and breast tissue as well, so to minimize the risk of becoming cancerous tissue.
Reduce osteoporosis. Women do not breastfeed have a four times greater risk of developing osteoporosis than women who are breastfeeding and more likely to suffer hip fractures in the years after menopause.
The benefits of natural family planning. Breastfeeding can lead to delay ovulation, so nursing mothers is not fertile for a while. How long a woman is fertile again dependent on infant feeding patterns and trends of her own body.
Improving emotional health. Breastfeeding is not only good for the body, but also for the mind. Studies show that breastfeeding mothers show less postpartum anxiety and depression than mothers who formula fed.
Enhance weight loss. Breastfeeding mothers showed more decrease in waist circumference and fat mass in one month after delivery than mothers who formula fed. Breastfeeding mothers tend to return to pre-pregnancy weight.
Breastfeeding does not have to cost you. Formula feeding for babies can cost more than Rp 5 million a year. The mother does not need to spend any money to get breast milk.
Breastmilk is always available to give. Breastfeeding can save time to prepare a bottle, pour water, mix milk and sterilizing bottles that have been used.
Any woman can breastfeed her baby, and we know that there are differences in every woman breastfeeding her baby while nominally. Breastfeeding is an activity that can make a woman happy, but there also can make women tired and impatient. But patience is still required in the nursing infant because there is nothing better for a lady other than breast-fed infants and the love of his mother.
Some of the benefits of breastfeeding for infants:
Colostrum (first milk on the first day) contains antibodies that protect babies against disease and infection.
Infants who were breastfed less often sick. ASI primarily to reduce risk:
vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, chronic constipation, colic and other stomach disorders.
acute appendicitis, rheumatoid arthritis, inguinal hernia, pyloric stenosis, type I diabetes, allergies, asthma and eczema.
ear infections, respiratory diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney infections, septicemia (blood poisoning).
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Statistics show that for every 87 deaths from SIDS, only 3 in breast-fed babies.
meningitis, botulism, childhood lymphoma and Crohn's disease.
tooth decay (cavities).
heart disease later in life.
Breastfeeding causes the child to have a better antibody response to the vaccine.
ASI has the composition and the most appropriate amount of nutrition for infants. The composition of milk varies according to individual growth and change baby's nutritional needs.
Breastmilk is easily digested and always have the right temperature.
Milk is always sterile, do not have germs. There are elements in breast milk that destroys E coli, salmonella, shigella, streptococcus, pneumococcus, and many others.
Breastfeeding stimulates the development of the jaw and facial structure, the upright growth of teeth and improve eyesight.
Breastfeeding develops a higher IQ and improve the development of infant brain and nervous system. IQ gains as a result of breastfeeding is 10-12 points. Breastfeeding is known as the 4th trimester in brain growth and development. There are certain proteins in milk that stimulate baby's brain development.
Breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mother and child. Have a place where children feel safe. Breastfeeding also plays an important role in emotional and spiritual development of children.
The benefits of breastfeeding for mothers
Besides good for babies, breastfeeding is also beneficial for mothers. Nursing process provides the following beneficial effects for the mother:
Reducing the risk of breast cancer. Women who breastfeed reduce risk of breast cancer by 25 percent. Cancer risk reduction occurs is proportional to cumulative lifetime duration of breastfeeding. That is, the more months or years of nursing mothers, the lower the risk of breast cancer.
Reducing the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer. Lower estrogen levels during breastfeeding causes both cancer risk was decreased. Anticipated decline in estrogen leads to reduced stimulation of the lining of the uterus and breast tissue as well, so to minimize the risk of becoming cancerous tissue.
Reduce osteoporosis. Women do not breastfeed have a four times greater risk of developing osteoporosis than women who are breastfeeding and more likely to suffer hip fractures in the years after menopause.
The benefits of natural family planning. Breastfeeding can lead to delay ovulation, so nursing mothers is not fertile for a while. How long a woman is fertile again dependent on infant feeding patterns and trends of her own body.
Improving emotional health. Breastfeeding is not only good for the body, but also for the mind. Studies show that breastfeeding mothers show less postpartum anxiety and depression than mothers who formula fed.
Enhance weight loss. Breastfeeding mothers showed more decrease in waist circumference and fat mass in one month after delivery than mothers who formula fed. Breastfeeding mothers tend to return to pre-pregnancy weight.
Breastfeeding does not have to cost you. Formula feeding for babies can cost more than Rp 5 million a year. The mother does not need to spend any money to get breast milk.
Breastmilk is always available to give. Breastfeeding can save time to prepare a bottle, pour water, mix milk and sterilizing bottles that have been used.
Any woman can breastfeed her baby, and we know that there are differences in every woman breastfeeding her baby while nominally. Breastfeeding is an activity that can make a woman happy, but there also can make women tired and impatient. But patience is still required in the nursing infant because there is nothing better for a lady other than breast-fed infants and the love of his mother.
Nutrition, Calories and Health Benefits of Apples

Apples are one of the fruits of the most widely cultivated tree. Apple fruit is consumed as raw or as juice apples mostly, but also used as a dessert. Apple pie is one of the most favorite dessert.
Apples are known for their ability to reduce the risk of several cancers including colon cancer, lung and prostate cancer. High amount of fiber in apples is responsible especially in reducing the risk of colon cancer that can even cause death if not treated properly at an early stage.
Apples contain no cholesterol. Apple fiber, helps in controlling cholesterol by preventing or reducing the absorption of oil again. Research has shown that apples are good for heart patients and can also be useful for people who are trying to lose weight.
Apples contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and C. Also contains essential minerals such as Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Phosphorus and Potassium.
Calories in apples: Compared with some fruits, apples contain relatively high amounts of calories. 100g apple will contain about 218 Kilo Jules energy. Regardless of the calories, all the other health benefits and vital nutrients can give us apples, apples are one of the best, easily available fruit and recommended to be part of your daily diet.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sleep for Beauty
Sleep is a time where part of the body and skin we are working to repair injuries that occurred when we indulge in the day.
when you are unconscious and are enjoying a break in your bed, your body is working hard to rebuild, replenish and rejuvenate your skin and hair.
on average each person takes eight hours to sleep.
It's important for us to seek a deep sleep because when we are asleep, we can both fill your body with very good power.
if you are having trouble getting quality sleep, try to work the same hours of sleep or try to find help from experts.
when you are unconscious and are enjoying a break in your bed, your body is working hard to rebuild, replenish and rejuvenate your skin and hair.
on average each person takes eight hours to sleep.
It's important for us to seek a deep sleep because when we are asleep, we can both fill your body with very good power.
if you are having trouble getting quality sleep, try to work the same hours of sleep or try to find help from experts.
Carrots, The Orange Full of Vitamins
Once there is a carrot, we immediately thought of Bugs Bunny character is always chewing carrot. And it turns out, this typical appearance of vegetables that have properties quite powerful.
According to WHO (World Health Organization), the habit of eating carrots can indeed help prevent blindness. Even noted, vitamin A deficiency causes blindness (total or partial) on almost 350,000 children from 75 countries every year.
Unfortunately, children are often difficult to eat vegetables. No exception carrots. In fact, vegetables, bright orange, with a length of 10-20 cm and a diameter of 1.5 to 3 cm have a lot of substances that are beneficial to health.
In this world, known to many varieties of carrots with a variety of sizes and colors. However, the most frequently encountered in the market is, the color orange. Even so, there are also carrots for the index finger, the baby carrots. To eat, usually carrots were peeled and washed, so ready to be consumed as a healthy snack.
Then, why carrots are rich in vegetables called benefits? Carrots are rich in compounds carotene and other phytochemical compounds. Also, carrots laden vitamins (B and C), calcium, and fiber sources are very good.
Vitamin A and beta-carotene. How much vitamin A in carrots could be guessed from its color. The more orange, red, or purple color, the higher its vitamin A content. The existence of color because the pigment carotene. What is it?
Carotene word comes from the Latin word which means carrots (carrots), which is yellow and orange pigments in fruits and vegetables. One member of carotene compounds are widely known is beta-carotene, the compound to be converted to be vitamin A (retinol) by the body. That is why, beta-carotene is often called pro-vitamin A (source of vitamin A).
The body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A in the amount so sparingly. The rest will remain as beta-carotene. Nature is what causes beta-carotene acts as a source of vitamin A is safe. So, unlike vitamin A supplements that can cause poisoning, if given in excess
Phytochemicals. Are chemical compounds derived from plants, including pigments (dyes) plants. Well, phytochemical in carrots that also play an important role, particularly as an antioxidant, is the variety of phenolic compounds commonly found in skin.
Another important phytochemical-carotene is negligent. Allegedly, this is a compound that is more
According to WHO (World Health Organization), the habit of eating carrots can indeed help prevent blindness. Even noted, vitamin A deficiency causes blindness (total or partial) on almost 350,000 children from 75 countries every year.
Unfortunately, children are often difficult to eat vegetables. No exception carrots. In fact, vegetables, bright orange, with a length of 10-20 cm and a diameter of 1.5 to 3 cm have a lot of substances that are beneficial to health.
In this world, known to many varieties of carrots with a variety of sizes and colors. However, the most frequently encountered in the market is, the color orange. Even so, there are also carrots for the index finger, the baby carrots. To eat, usually carrots were peeled and washed, so ready to be consumed as a healthy snack.
Then, why carrots are rich in vegetables called benefits? Carrots are rich in compounds carotene and other phytochemical compounds. Also, carrots laden vitamins (B and C), calcium, and fiber sources are very good.
Vitamin A and beta-carotene. How much vitamin A in carrots could be guessed from its color. The more orange, red, or purple color, the higher its vitamin A content. The existence of color because the pigment carotene. What is it?
Carotene word comes from the Latin word which means carrots (carrots), which is yellow and orange pigments in fruits and vegetables. One member of carotene compounds are widely known is beta-carotene, the compound to be converted to be vitamin A (retinol) by the body. That is why, beta-carotene is often called pro-vitamin A (source of vitamin A).
The body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A in the amount so sparingly. The rest will remain as beta-carotene. Nature is what causes beta-carotene acts as a source of vitamin A is safe. So, unlike vitamin A supplements that can cause poisoning, if given in excess
Phytochemicals. Are chemical compounds derived from plants, including pigments (dyes) plants. Well, phytochemical in carrots that also play an important role, particularly as an antioxidant, is the variety of phenolic compounds commonly found in skin.
Another important phytochemical-carotene is negligent. Allegedly, this is a compound that is more
Loving Child Wise Ways
How do you express love to children? Already tepatkah that way?Love is a complex problem. If not, we will not have so many poet or songwriter.
In the context of the family, the parents must have been like to express his love for children always seek happiness with her baby. They always want to be able to give praise and a warm hug, serving the needs of children, and, just maybe, buy whatever was asked of children. All done in the name of love.
However, the extent of expression of that love? Where is the boundary? When we know that we have too much love child? It's tricky issues. Many people have difficulty saying no to children. Especially when we know how that love is indispensable for the development of children, including the matter of physical health.
Money is not Everything. Expression of loving parents to children will affect the growth of the process. In the first five years of age, a child seeking reassurance. Is obtainable when he felt the members of the family loved him. Sense of security will further develop self-confidence and self-concept of children someday. Expressions of love that continues to be felt also teach children to empathize with others, and support the process of building trust on the individual child's other
But then again, it is possible for parents to love in ways that are less wise. This example happens when we put way too materialistic nature. Buy toys or items for children nonstop or whining is not always granted the right way. "Money can not buy love": we just remember that Beatles song.
The biggest problem with this disposition is that it can inhibit the growth of empathy in children. Child in time they will become less sensitive to the environment if it is too associate love with toys or souvenirs, even though too much flattery is also potential for similar impact.
Precisely when the parents are too exaggerated to express his love for children, making children accustomed to focusing on self-love. He will continue to demand and expect others to continue to give him love. As a result, the child was unable to foster empathic complex, namely the emotional ties with others.
Reasonable, Your Warm. So how to find appropriate boundaries? Indeed there is no science eksaktanya. The best way is with a little introspection. Ask yourself, how to express the privilege of a child in a reasonable manner, warm and special.
Be open! Looking at these examples, you might think, from where we can get an idea of expressing love for children? How can an intelligent, fun and original? (Um, apparently not much complexity to express love when you were dating).
The more open an individual the opportunity to see the world and the ease of accessing information resources, helping parents to obtain references about child care ..Loved it indeed was the purpose of life. Other times we are tempted to once again shopping for kids toys.
In the context of the family, the parents must have been like to express his love for children always seek happiness with her baby. They always want to be able to give praise and a warm hug, serving the needs of children, and, just maybe, buy whatever was asked of children. All done in the name of love.
However, the extent of expression of that love? Where is the boundary? When we know that we have too much love child? It's tricky issues. Many people have difficulty saying no to children. Especially when we know how that love is indispensable for the development of children, including the matter of physical health.
Money is not Everything. Expression of loving parents to children will affect the growth of the process. In the first five years of age, a child seeking reassurance. Is obtainable when he felt the members of the family loved him. Sense of security will further develop self-confidence and self-concept of children someday. Expressions of love that continues to be felt also teach children to empathize with others, and support the process of building trust on the individual child's other
But then again, it is possible for parents to love in ways that are less wise. This example happens when we put way too materialistic nature. Buy toys or items for children nonstop or whining is not always granted the right way. "Money can not buy love": we just remember that Beatles song.
The biggest problem with this disposition is that it can inhibit the growth of empathy in children. Child in time they will become less sensitive to the environment if it is too associate love with toys or souvenirs, even though too much flattery is also potential for similar impact.
Precisely when the parents are too exaggerated to express his love for children, making children accustomed to focusing on self-love. He will continue to demand and expect others to continue to give him love. As a result, the child was unable to foster empathic complex, namely the emotional ties with others.
Reasonable, Your Warm. So how to find appropriate boundaries? Indeed there is no science eksaktanya. The best way is with a little introspection. Ask yourself, how to express the privilege of a child in a reasonable manner, warm and special.
Be open! Looking at these examples, you might think, from where we can get an idea of expressing love for children? How can an intelligent, fun and original? (Um, apparently not much complexity to express love when you were dating).
The more open an individual the opportunity to see the world and the ease of accessing information resources, helping parents to obtain references about child care ..Loved it indeed was the purpose of life. Other times we are tempted to once again shopping for kids toys.
Pearl Sweet Porridge
2 lt milk from a coconut
200 g rice flour
100 g granulated sugar
1 pandan leaf, conclude
1 tsp fine salt
60 g pearl sago, boiled until cooked, drained
100 g of jackfruit, diced
Red Sugar syrup of palm sugar:
150 g brown sugar, finely sliced
200 ml of water
1 pandan leaf, conclude
1 tsp cornflour, dissolved in a little water
How to Make:
1. Porridge: Mix rice flour with coconut milk, pandan leaves, sugar and salt in a saucepan and stir well. Boil, stirring constantly, stirring until cooked and thickened porridge texture. Lift.
2. Sugar syrup of palm sugar Anger: Boil sugar with water, a solution of starch and pandan leaves. Cook, stirring, stirring until thickened texture of syrup of palm sugar. Remove, let cool.
3. Solution: Prepare the serving dish. Pour the puree, add the boiled sago pearls and pieces of jackfruit. Just before serving add the brown sugar syrup of palm sugar on it. Serve immediately.
For 8 portions
Tip: Sago pearls and jackfruit pieces can be mixed and cooked together with the porridge.
2 lt milk from a coconut
200 g rice flour
100 g granulated sugar
1 pandan leaf, conclude
1 tsp fine salt
60 g pearl sago, boiled until cooked, drained
100 g of jackfruit, diced
Red Sugar syrup of palm sugar:
150 g brown sugar, finely sliced
200 ml of water
1 pandan leaf, conclude
1 tsp cornflour, dissolved in a little water
How to Make:
1. Porridge: Mix rice flour with coconut milk, pandan leaves, sugar and salt in a saucepan and stir well. Boil, stirring constantly, stirring until cooked and thickened porridge texture. Lift.
2. Sugar syrup of palm sugar Anger: Boil sugar with water, a solution of starch and pandan leaves. Cook, stirring, stirring until thickened texture of syrup of palm sugar. Remove, let cool.
3. Solution: Prepare the serving dish. Pour the puree, add the boiled sago pearls and pieces of jackfruit. Just before serving add the brown sugar syrup of palm sugar on it. Serve immediately.
For 8 portions
Tip: Sago pearls and jackfruit pieces can be mixed and cooked together with the porridge.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Benefits of Chocolate
Not only a tasty chocolate. Chocolate is also rich in benefits, for toddlers to adults. Check out the best way to enjoy it!
A series of studies suggests, chocolate is rich in nutrients. Good for adults, even children. However, specifically for children, is always reminded to brush their teeth after enjoying it.
Not all fats are bad. If you're dieting, do not worry, chocolate does not suddenly make your body become stretched. Is indisputable, cocoa beans as a base for fruit chocolate does contain a fairly high fat chocolate that is 31% followed by carbohydrates and protein 14% 9%. However, brown fat is digested and absorbed a little longer by the body, so it does not trigger increased blood cholesterol.
Brown fat is a saturated fatty acid (stearic acid) that does not increase the LDL (low desity lipoprotein) or cholesterol, "the bad fats".
Stearic acid contained in the chocolate will be converted into oleic acid (omega 9) that are not saturated and make your heart fit. Chocolate is then able to suppress the oxidation of cholesterol.
Interestingly, chocolate is also regarded as a youthful drug because aging is often associated with declining health of blood vessels. This is supported by studies such as performed by dr. Naomi Fischer, assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, USA. According to him, flavonoid-rich chocolate can improve blood vessel function.
Related research about chocolate as well as by leading American manufacturer of chocolate through the researcher, Harold Scmitz Ph.D, "Brown is expected to reduce the risk of heart problems and blood vessels. In the future, chocolate can be potentially be a cure heart problems, strokes and blood vessels ".
How to Enjoy Chocolate
Snack, a dark chocolate bars or in other forms. We recommend that you select the basic ingredients of dark chocolate brown about 50-70% more than the mixture.
Drinks, like hot chocolate, cold or yogurt
Complement to other foods, such as smeared on pita bread. Do not choose the wrong, only the colors are brown, but its content is too much sugar and fat
Benefits Dark chocolate
Lowering blood pressure
Treating coughs
Preventing a stroke
Lowers cholesterol
Aphrodisiac (passionately)
Makes the brain to relax so that we become more relaxed and calm
A series of studies suggests, chocolate is rich in nutrients. Good for adults, even children. However, specifically for children, is always reminded to brush their teeth after enjoying it.
Not all fats are bad. If you're dieting, do not worry, chocolate does not suddenly make your body become stretched. Is indisputable, cocoa beans as a base for fruit chocolate does contain a fairly high fat chocolate that is 31% followed by carbohydrates and protein 14% 9%. However, brown fat is digested and absorbed a little longer by the body, so it does not trigger increased blood cholesterol.
Brown fat is a saturated fatty acid (stearic acid) that does not increase the LDL (low desity lipoprotein) or cholesterol, "the bad fats".
Stearic acid contained in the chocolate will be converted into oleic acid (omega 9) that are not saturated and make your heart fit. Chocolate is then able to suppress the oxidation of cholesterol.
Interestingly, chocolate is also regarded as a youthful drug because aging is often associated with declining health of blood vessels. This is supported by studies such as performed by dr. Naomi Fischer, assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, USA. According to him, flavonoid-rich chocolate can improve blood vessel function.
Related research about chocolate as well as by leading American manufacturer of chocolate through the researcher, Harold Scmitz Ph.D, "Brown is expected to reduce the risk of heart problems and blood vessels. In the future, chocolate can be potentially be a cure heart problems, strokes and blood vessels ".
How to Enjoy Chocolate
Snack, a dark chocolate bars or in other forms. We recommend that you select the basic ingredients of dark chocolate brown about 50-70% more than the mixture.
Drinks, like hot chocolate, cold or yogurt
Complement to other foods, such as smeared on pita bread. Do not choose the wrong, only the colors are brown, but its content is too much sugar and fat
Benefits Dark chocolate
Lowering blood pressure
Treating coughs
Preventing a stroke
Lowers cholesterol
Aphrodisiac (passionately)
Makes the brain to relax so that we become more relaxed and calm
Know Your Toddler Weather
For toddlers 3 years, rain, lightning, the sun also invited a lot of questions. To her amazement the air can suddenly change from bright sunny to cloudy gray.
The question of causation. Toddlers 3 years who have mastered a broad vocabulary, will usually ask you questions to practice language skills. However, questions relating to natural phenomena are usually also part of the fulfillment of her curiosity, especially about what exists and happens around him.
The one that attracted the attention of toddlers 3 years is the variety of natural events and weather factors. Such as, rain, wind, bright sun and others. Not only because of the natural phenomena he really saw and experienced, but also a variety of books and spectacle that gets at preschool and at home more inviting curiosity.
"Mother, why is the air overcast? Why the sun does not exist if cloudy? "Questions like that usually becomes an opening. You should not be satisfied if the first two questions are answered. Since the aftermath of the second question is usually the next question. What should parents do if can not answer questions toddlers 3 years?
Be honest, and look for sources of information with a toddler. You can ask her to find information about natural phenomena including weather from a children's book that tells of the rain, for example. Nothing wrong with my hunting too small to store the DVD and VCD movies to seek knowledge that describes various natural phenomena including weather factors.
The question of causation. Toddlers 3 years who have mastered a broad vocabulary, will usually ask you questions to practice language skills. However, questions relating to natural phenomena are usually also part of the fulfillment of her curiosity, especially about what exists and happens around him.
The one that attracted the attention of toddlers 3 years is the variety of natural events and weather factors. Such as, rain, wind, bright sun and others. Not only because of the natural phenomena he really saw and experienced, but also a variety of books and spectacle that gets at preschool and at home more inviting curiosity.
"Mother, why is the air overcast? Why the sun does not exist if cloudy? "Questions like that usually becomes an opening. You should not be satisfied if the first two questions are answered. Since the aftermath of the second question is usually the next question. What should parents do if can not answer questions toddlers 3 years?
Be honest, and look for sources of information with a toddler. You can ask her to find information about natural phenomena including weather from a children's book that tells of the rain, for example. Nothing wrong with my hunting too small to store the DVD and VCD movies to seek knowledge that describes various natural phenomena including weather factors.
Carrots Make Healthy Eyes
If you've been considered the champion carrots make a healthy eye, you should read this fact.
Actually, not just beta carotene content of carrots with its needed eye. There are other substances such as lutein and zeaxanthinm needed sense of vision, and can be obtained from dark green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, and egg yolks.
In the eye, particularly the retina or macula lutea, are photoreceptor cells and cone-shaped rod that serves to adapt to light, darkness and contrast. Well, the nutrients in carrots (carotene) and greens (lutein and zeaxantin) works at the molecular level in the photoreceptor cells of the eye, so vision is more contrast in viewing colored objects. So, do not just eat carrots yes to get healthy eye.
Carrot-based recipe:
Carrot pudding
Carrot Cake
Carrot Cake Chocolate Sauce
Carrots Chicken balls
Carrot Cheese Bake
Actually, not just beta carotene content of carrots with its needed eye. There are other substances such as lutein and zeaxanthinm needed sense of vision, and can be obtained from dark green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, and egg yolks.
In the eye, particularly the retina or macula lutea, are photoreceptor cells and cone-shaped rod that serves to adapt to light, darkness and contrast. Well, the nutrients in carrots (carotene) and greens (lutein and zeaxantin) works at the molecular level in the photoreceptor cells of the eye, so vision is more contrast in viewing colored objects. So, do not just eat carrots yes to get healthy eye.
Carrot-based recipe:
Carrot pudding
Carrot Cake
Carrot Cake Chocolate Sauce
Carrots Chicken balls
Carrot Cheese Bake
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